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Term Meaning
Flag --prepended CLI argument
FlagFn Unique function called by a flag
Command First CLI argument not prepended by -
CommandFn Unique function called by a command, if no flags are given


They can either be located inline in the flags.ts file, where all FlagFns can be imported from either way, or inside the flags folder under src/.

They're meant to be called without input, and return no output.


They can either be located inline in the commands.ts file, where all CommandFns can be imported from either way, or inside the flags folder under src/.

They're meant to be called with all of stdin, and return some specified value. They're meant to correlate 1-1 and implement git-credential commands.

Which one is called when?

In a single program invocation, only a single FlagFn or CommandFn will be called, with preference to FlagFns

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