  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All



This project utilizes bash scripts and Yarn for helper scripts


Clone this repo to your machine, run yarn install to install all dependencies, and whenever you want to run and test your code, you can run yarn build:code.

Dev Tools

Yarn commands


  • yarn build:all: Builds a development version of both code and documentation.
  • yarn build:code: Builds code with testing coverage
  • yarn build:code-fast: Builds code without testing coverage
  • yarn build:code-rel: Builds a release version of the code without testing (For example, without tests).
  • yarn build:ts: Runs the tsc compiler in debug config.
  • yarn build:ts-rel: Runs the tsc compiler in release config.
  • yarn build:docs: Builds the docs.
  • yarn build:all: Builds code and docs in debug mode.
  • yarn build:all-rel: Builds code and docs in release mode.


  • yarn clean:code: Cleans the dist folder and deletes the coverage folder.
  • yarn clean:docs: Cleans documentation-related folders. Automatically run in the build:docs command.
  • yarn clean:all: Runs both of the above commands.
  • yarn purge: Runs all clean commands and deletes node_modules, essentially reverting the repository to a recently checked-out state.


  • yarn watch:builder: Continually builds the project
  • yarn watch:debug: Continually rebuilds the project and starts it with --inspect
  • yarn watch:debug-brk: Continually rebuilds the project and starts it with --inspect-brk
  • yarn watch:docs: Continually builds the docs, starts a livereload server to automatically update your browser, and an http-server instance to view the docs through.


  • yarn start: Starts the project
  • yarn debug: Starts the project with the --inspect flag.
  • yarn debug-brk: Starts the project with the --inspect flag.
  • yarn lint: Lints the project.
  • yarn bStart: Builds, then starts the project.

Folder Structure

├── devScripts
│   ├── cleanDir.sh        Helps with directory cleaning
│   └── watchDocs.sh       Allows for livereload, nodemon and http-server to run concurrently
├── dist                   Code Build Folder. Intentionally Empty.
├── docs
│   ├── HTML               Documentation Build Folder. Intentionally empty.
│   ├── Source             Various Source files used in Doc Building
│   │   ├── README.md      Index Page for the Docs
│   │   └── tutorials      Folder where tutorials are stored.
│   │       └── ...
│   └── Static             Folder whose contents are copied to the Documentation Build Folder on Build.
├── eslint.json            Eslint Config
├── jest.config.json       Jest config
├── jsdoc.json             JSDoc config
├── LICENSE.md             License File
├── nodemon.json           Nodemon Config
├── package.json           Package.json, defining all scripts and other metadata.
├── README.md              Repo README
├── src                    Source folder for all Typescript files, .jsdoc files, and any tests.
│   └── ...
├── static                 Any static files needed for the project.
├── tsconfig.json          TSC config for the Debug build
└── tsconfig.rel.json      TSC config for the Release build


There are two CI jobs, one run on every pull request and push, BuildAndTest, and another only run on pushes to master, BuildAndRelease.

BuildAndTest does what it says on the Tin.

BuildAndRelease Builds the documentation and deploys it to the gh-pages branch, Packages the project into an NPM package according to package.json, creates a new Release with the given Package version, and uploads the package as a tgz file, using the package name and version in a template string. This action is intended to be modified to publish to as many places as needed, or perform other future packing actions, for example node-packer.

Generated using TypeDoc